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Apartment virtual tours are like a new appetizer at your favorite restaurant. You know you like the loaded fries (floor plans, photos, 3D walkthroughs), but sometimes they hurt your stomach and you’re interested in exploring something new. However, you don’t fully know what to expect with this new appetizer (apartment virtual tours). 

Imagine we’re your chefs letting you know that this new appetizer is sweeping the nation, it’s got super high ratings, and I can get it out to your table in record time. Would you feel a bit more confident ordering the appetizer? Check out how quick we are in the kitchen, literally though…

Sam records and edits an apartment virtual tour in 7.5 minutes with Realync


Let me keep it real; I couldn’t always make apartment virtual tours this quickly. I think my first apartment took me around thirty minutes. But after some practice, I can prep, film, and edit a one-bedroom unit in around ten minutes. But Sam, the title of this blog says 7.5 minutes?! You’re right, and I’m not lying! However, the apartment featured in this blog was part of a pioneering 250+ unit-specific video project, so I was familiar with the floor plan before walking into the unit.

Okay, so we can make apartment virtual tours quickly, but how do the videos look? See for yourself…

Unit361AtElmsFellsPointInBaltimoreMDRealync video Sam made of unit 361 at Elms Fells Point in Baltimore, MD
Click the gif to watch the full video

Not too shabby for a video made in seven and a half minutes, eh? 

Do you ever question if apartment virtual tours actually help people feel more confident signing a lease? If so, listen to this: 52% of prospects would sign a lease with ONLY an apartment virtual tour (Satisfacts). It’s a great statistic to fall back on if you ever question the power of video in multifamily.

In conclusion, we think loaded fries (floor plans, photos, 3D walkthroughs) are great, but if you’re interested in having the best appetizers in town, we’d love to drop in and chef out some apartment virtual tours for you. Promotional Offer Diamond Clients, when you sign up with Realync, you’ll receive five professionally-made unit-level videos. Fill out the form on this page to request more information. This limited-time offer is available for a select number of properties.